Tell us your name. |
Chloe Brydon |
How and when did you first start running? |
Officially, when I joined the Zip to Zoom programme in September 2017 with Nidd Valley. As a child, I used to reluctantly sign up for the 100 metre sprint every sports day at school but only to get my part over and done with quickly! Running is not something I ever imagined myself doing! |
What brought you to Nidd Valley? |
I saw an advert for the Zip to Zoom programme on Facebook through a work colleague who is a member of the club. I had just started a scary new job that required me to improve my confidence and team building skills. I had wanted to start exercising anyway and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to both improve my fitness and my confidence in general. I’m so glad I came here! |
When did you join Nidd Valley? |
Started Zip to Zoom in September 2017 and officially joined the club early 2018. |
What is your favourite running music? Genre or specific tracks? |
I’ve never really listened to music whilst running because I always run with the club, I can’t run on my own. So there are always people to talk to. If I did though it would probably be rocky or indie stuff. |
What is your favourite food before and after running? |
Food. Anything. I love food. Before, something light like porridge. After, jacket potato with tuna or mackerel. And some cake! |
What is your best running tip that you would like to share with us? |
Start slowly, keep your head up high, move those arms, keep a steady pace and know your own body and limits – slow down if you need to. Oh and smile for the cameras! |
What is your proudest moment in your running career? |
I find running tough, so every run makes me proud just to be able to say I’m out there and not sat on my sofa. But my proudest moment was getting myself running up to 10k. |
What are your running goals? |
I want to keep it simple and enjoy it. I try not to take it very seriously. One day I would like to see myself do the Knaresborough bed race (I know its no marathon but it looks so fun) but I’m not sure when yet. |
What event are you training for at the moment? |
Nothing at the moment. |