NVRR Weekly Email – Sunday 10th march 2019

Afternoon All

Hope this finds you all fit and well.

As you know last Wednesday we held our first committee meeting. There was a lot of discussion, decisions and a few initiatives all aimed at improving the club for members.
Here’s a couple of issues you will be interested in knowing about.

Monthly Newsletter.
This is a newsletter for you which will be attached to my weekly email at the end of each month. The plan is to have the first one ready for the end of March. Kevin Dalton will be producing the newsletter.
It may not be the finished article, I envisage the newsletter will evolve over time with members being invited to email Kevin with significant race results, stories and achievements.

Paced Groups.
There will be 5 paced groups on offer for our Thursday Club Runs. This should offer more opportunity for you to run at the right pace for you.

The week ahead.

Tuesday. 12/3/19 Pyramid Session. Slingsby Walk.
Meet at the club for 6.45pm ready to jog to the start or meet at Slingsby Walk at the junction of Wetherby Road for 7.15pm.
There will be a coach and assistants to take the session.

Thursday 14/3/19 Club Run

Route. Showground. 7 miles.
Kingsley Drive, Morrison’s, Freemans Corner, Sainsbury’s, Yorkshire showground, Hookstone Drive, Leeds Road, across the Stray, York Place, Claro Road.

Run leaders, please make a note of the route and step forward to lead one of the groups.

Pacing Groups.

Group 1. – 5K under 23 mins
Group 2. – 5K under 25minutes
Group 3. – 5K under 27 minutes
Group 4 – 5K under 30 minutes
Group 5 – 5K under 33 minutes

Health and Safety Briefing.

A degree of risk is inevitable in almost all sports. Running coaches, assistants and runners all share a responsibility for minimising the risks.
Some of these risks include but are not limited to a risk of injury, getting lost or being left behind.
Advice on reducing such risk is outlined below:-

Warm up and cool down correctly.
Hi Viz vests and head torches in dark or poor weather conditions.
Water and sunscreen in hot weather.
Maintaining an awareness of other runners. Buddy up where possible.

In the event an injury does occur please remember to inform the welfare officer using the on line form on our club web site.

Looking forward to seeing you all out there having fun on your run.

Best Wishes, Christine.

Posted in General News.