Week Ahead – Sunday 24th March 2019

Afternoon All

Hope this finds you fit and healthy.

Well, after only 5 weeks as the chair I need a break so I’m off to India for 2 weeks visiting Temples, Mausoleums and the odd train ride in the foothills of some well known mountains.

The only running I’m likely to do will be sprint reps to the loo, hopefully not too many times.

Kevin Dalton will be writing the weekly emails in my absence with the first of his monthly newsletters attached to the email week commencing 1/4/19.

If you have any note worthy achievements and would like a mention please email Kevin.
I mentioned before that this newsletter will evolve as we listen to suggestions and feedback from you. Happy Reading!

Deadline Looming! Membership Renewal.

Another gentle reminder that the subs are due for the 2019 / 2020 season.
Please check your inbox or junk email for full instructions or contact Graham Hyde for further information.
If for some reason you’re not renewing your membership let Graham know and he won’t chase you for money!

The week ahead.

Tuesday 26/3/19 Speed session. Derwent Road.

Meet at the club for 6.45pm ready to jog to the start or meet at Derwent Road.
There will be a coach and assistants to take the session.

Thursday 28/3/19 Social Club Run

Two Options.

Route. Knox. 6 miles
Over railway,Woodfield Road,Tennyson Avenue, Bachelor Gardens, Knox Avenue, Skipton Road, Ripon Road, West Park and York Place.
There are options to peel off at various points and run a shorter route.

Timed Mile.

Ben Baird is offering the timed mile training again.
Meet at The Oval, warmed up ready to run for 7.15pm or at the club to jog to The Oval.

Run leaders and leading runs .

I’m uncomfortable saying this but we have had the same people leading runs each week which is a big ask and I for one are grateful.

In case you weren’t aware you don’t have to be a leader in running fitness (LiRF) to lead a group. You need to know the route, roughly what pace you’re going to run and the ability to look out for your fellow runners.

I’m making a specific request this week for people to step up and lead a group.

Pacing Groups.

Group 1. – 5K around 23 mins. Approx 7.30 minute mile
Group 2. – 5K around 25mins. Approx 8.10 minute mile
Group 3. – 5K around 27 mins. Approx 8.50 minute mile
Group 4 – 5K around 30 mins. Approx 0940 minute mile
Group 5 – 5K around 33 mins. Approx 10.40 minute mile.

Health and Safety Briefing.

Warm up and cool down correctly.
Hi Viz vests and head torches in dark or poor weather conditions.
Maintaining an awareness of other runners. Buddy up where possible.
In the event an injury does occur please remember to inform the welfare officer using the on line form on our club web site.

Thought for the week. – If you run …. You are a runner. It does not matter how fast or how far.

Best Wishes, Christine.

Posted in General News.