Afternoon All
Happy Easter Sunday! I hope you’re all enjoying the weekend and the glorious weather.
A special thank you to two Sarah’s this week. Sarah Chalmers for organising the Easter Egg social run last Thursday and Sarah Hughan for organsising the shoe trial.
The week ahead!
Tuesday 23/4/19.
This is the last of winter 2018 into Spring 2019 interval sessions. I hope you’ve enjoyed them and of course benefited from the coaching.
These sessions couldn’t take place if it wasn’t for several club members giving their time to coach and lead the sessions so yet another huge thank you to everyone involved.
Watch this space for future coach led sessions on Tuesdays.
Speed Intervals. The Oval.
Meet at the club for 6.45pm ready to jog to the start or meet at The Oval.
There will be a coach and assistants to take the session.
Thursday 25/4/19 Social Club Run
Four Options!
Option 1.
Green Lane. The route, Claro Road, hospital, Slingsby Walk, Oatlands Drive, Hookstone Road to M&S, Leadhall Lane, Green Lane, Beckwith Road, Otley Road and back to the club. Approx. 7 miles
Option 2.
Running through the beautiful Nidd Gorge. Various loops from 4 to 6 miles.
Option 3.
Phil Robinson is doing a recce of the Jack Bloor Fell Race (actual race is in the club Fell Champs on 14th May). Whether you’re planning to do the race or just fancy a jog on the moors everyone is welcome. The route is around 8K with 350m of climb.
Phil will be leaving Darwin Gardens, Ilkley parking area at 7pm prompt. The nearest postcode for sat nav purposes is LS29 9RF.
Phil Robinson is monitoring the situation with the fires at Ilkley and will let everyone know if the recce Run is on or not. If you’re thinking of doing this I suggest you liaise direct with Phil.
Option 4.
Ben Baird is running another timed mile event at the Oval on Thursday 25th. 7pm at the Oval.The timed mile sessions have been well received so if you haven’t tried it before give it a go!If you’re interested please liaise direct with Ben for full details.
Run Leaders.
Anyone can lead a run! You need to know the general route, how to get back to the club and a rough idea of your pace.
Don’t be shy, give it a go.
Pacing Groups.
Group 1. – 5K around 23 mins. Approx 7.30 minute mile
Group 2. – 5K around 25mins. Approx 8.10 minute mile
Group 3. – 5K around 27 mins. Approx 8.50 minute mile
Group 4 – 5K around 30 mins. Approx 0940 minute mile
Group 5 – 5K around 33 mins. Approx 10.40 minute mile.
Of course there’s also social running at whatever pace suits you on the night.
Health and Safety Briefing.
Warm up and cool down correctly.
Buddy up where possible.
In the event an injury does occur please remember to inform the welfare officer using the on line form on our club web site.
Best Wishes, Christine.
NVRR Chair.