Afternoon All
As always, I hope this finds you all well and to those of you struggling with injuries, niggles, illness or running fatigue I wish you well.
We have an interesting week ahead and have managed to organise a combination of running, volunteering and litter picking, yes litter picking!
Kevin Dalton is keen to try out ‘plogging’ don’t worry its nothing inappropriate although I must admit when he first mentioned it I did wonder. Its the simple concept of runners running but along the route picking up litter.
Its a great opportunity to do something for the local area to show that we care and that we appreciate everything it offers us as runners.
So, onto the week itself.
Tuesday 6/8/19. Interval Session.Continuing with this 6 week block of intervals on the school field behind the hockey club.7pm start with a coach and assistants leading you through the session.
There is the usual club run too if anyone would prefer that.
Thursday 8/8/19. Social Plogging.The usual start at the hockey club ready to run at 7pm.Kevin has sent an email and put the details on our group Facebook page, please read it so you’re familiar with the route. Gloves and bags will be supplied but if you have any spare then bring them along if you wish.Wear your club vest as we plan a few photo stops along the way and who knows maybe some publicity?
There is the usual club run too if anyone would prefer that.
Saturday 10/8/19. Harrogate Park Run takeover.Thank you to Colleen Gruenwald and Graham Hyde who are coordinating this. There has been information on email and Facebook regarding roles for everyone.As usual if possible please bring along some cakes, biscuits etc if you can.Once again this is a great opportunity for us as Nidd Valley Road Runners to showcase our club and all we have to offer and a chance to give something back to the local community.
Health and Safety Briefing.Warm up and stretch off after running.Buddy up with someone where possibleReport an injuries to Bec Carman our welfare member or any committee member.There are additional health and safety issues to be covered on Thursday relating to the plogging.
Enjoy your week, whatever you’re up to.
Best Wishes, Christine.NVRR Chair.