Good Afternoon
I probably need to begin this weeks email by reassuring you that I still exist! Ive not made it to club nights as I’m still busy keeping the injury bench warm and Ive been away working.
I did manage to see some friendly Nidd faces at the park run these past few weekends and I will be at Knaresborough supporting those of you running the Crag Rat Race, one of my favourites.
I know Sarah and Martin are busy behind the scenes considering races for next year and I believe the Peco cross country dates have been published too.
In other news Jeff Walker is taking the lead in doing another Couch to 5K training plan which has had lots of people expressing an interest.
The committee have linked up with the junior section and are in the process of sourcing new running kit. There will be options for male, female or children’s vests, tee shirts, hoodies etc in our Nidd Valley colours.
Finally, thank you to Kevin for producing another informative newsletter.
So, onto this week.
Tuesday. 17/9/19.
Those of you following the Redcar half marathon plan will be looking to do an interval session. I haven’t heard of anyone volunteering to lead a session but I’m sure you’re all familiar with the plan and able to do either your own or a group session.
Those of you planning to run from the club I suggest you decide collectively which route to follow as time is against you now with the light fading fast.
Thursday 19/9/19.
Club social run. Knox. 5 miles
Over the railway, Woodfield Road, Tennyson Avenue, Bachelor Gardens, Knox Avenue, Skipton Road, Ripon Road, West Park and York Place back to the club.
Sunday 22/9/19. Crag Rat Race.
Please refer to the race website for full details.
Pacing Groups. Social Run.
Group 1. – Approx 8 to 8.30 minute mile pace
Group 2. – Approx 9 to 9.30 minute mile pace
Group 3. – Approx 10 to 10.30 minute mile pace
Group 4 – Approx 10.30 to 11 minute mile pace
Group 5 – Social, recovery run with no pace in mind but a chance to chat as you jog, going as far as you want.
Health and Safety Briefing.
Warm up and stretch off after running.
Buddy up with someone where possible.
Report any injuries to Bec Carman our Welfare Rep, or any Committee member.
Best Wishes, Christine.
NVRR Chair.