Week Ahead – Sunday 6th October 2019

Afternoon All

Congratulations to all the Nidders running the Chester marathon today. I hope you all had a great experience and are still in one piece!

Well done to everyone racing at Grewelthorpe this morning too, I had hoped to be there to cheer you on but last minute holiday packing got in the way.

So yes I’m off to sample the delights of Norway and by sheer coincidence our Guy Fawkes 10 race director Sam is off to warmer climates for exactly the same dates. Great planning I hear you say as we head towards race date early November. Fear not, everything is in hand, but please make a note of the following dates as options for recce runs of the route and leaflet dropping.

Saturday 12th, Sunday 13th, Saturday 19th, Sunday 20th October.

We have an exciting week ahead with the start of our ‘zip to zoomers’ couch to 5K training course starting on Tuesday. Jeff Walker will be at the club with a group of eager new runners ready for a briefing in the bar at 7pm. If you see them give them the usual warm welcome please.

The Week Ahead.

Tuesday 8/10/19
I suggest you see who turns up and decide a route on the evening. I’m sure there will be some tired legs!

Thursday 10/10/19. Supermarket Route. 7 miles
Along the path to Asda, through town to Waitrose, Stray Rein or Oatlands Drive, Showground, Wetherby Road, Freemans Corner, Forest Moor Lane, Morrisons and Kingsley Drive.

Saturday 12th and Sunday 13/10/19
Option to run the GF10 course or part of it and drop leaflets along the way. Very social pace with lots of stops and starts. All welcome.
Graham Hyde has the leaflets so if any members lead a recce run please collect them from Graham beforehand.

Sunday 13/10/19
Richmond Castle 10K championship race.

Pacing Groups. Social Runs.
Group 1. – Approx 8 to 8.30 minute mile pace
Group 2. – Approx 9 to 9.30 minute mile pace
Group 3. – Approx 10 to 10.30 minute mile pace
Group 4 – Approx 10.30 to 11 minute mile pace
Group 5 – Social, recovery run with no pace in mind but a chance to chat as you jog, going as far as you want.

Health and Safety Briefing.
Its dark now so head torches and high viz clothing are essential!
Warm up and stretch off after running.
Buddy up with someone where possible.
Report any injuries to Bec Carman our Welfare Rep, or any Committee member.

Best Wishes, Christine.
NVRR Chair.

Posted in General News.