Afternoon All
What a glorious day it’s turned out to be after such a miserable start!
Well done to everyone racing today, I know we had a championship fell race aptly named the Stanbury Splash and I believe we had some runners in the Brass Monkey race too.
If you’re reading this and you haven’t been down to the club for a while, well, we’re missing you!
Come on, you know the benefits of running with others even if its late, its cold, you’ve got a million and one other things to do. I promise you you’ll feel better afterwards!
So to make sure everyone is in the loop, last Wednesday we held a committee meeting with lots discussed so I thought I would briefly mention some items I think will be of interest to you.
Club Social Media.
A tricky subject but a couple of issues have arisen more recently, and actually over the years, regarding social media use by members. As a result next week I will outline a plan the committee have agreed to try to ensure our social media contact is predominantly running focused and friendly.
NVRR. Vests and clothing.
We are very close to changing our vest supplier to a company that can supply a better quality vest, and most importantly, for the ladies in the club – a specific women’s fit. More details will follow once we have things finalised.
New Members.
Please buddy up with any new member or anyone coming along to try us out. Its always daunting when you’re new or trying something for the first time.
Annual General Meeting.
This is just a heads up that this will take place on Thursday 27th February 2020 in the bar of the hockey club after our usual evening run. Christina Taylor, our Club Secretary, will be forwarding information regarding this within the next 2 weeks.
Please put the date in your diary as we need as many people as possible to attend.
So, onto this week. W/C 13/1/20.
Tuesday 14/1/20 Speed Endurance Pyramid Intervals 2/6
7pm from the club or 7.10pm at Slingsby Walk at the hospital end. Emma and Bec will be there to coach you through the session. Please be warmed up and ready to run.
There is always the option of a social run form the club for anyone not doing the interval session.
Thursday 16/1/20. Social Club Run.
Supermarket Route 7 miles
Along the path to Asda, through town to Waitrose, Stray Rein or Oatlands Drive, Showground, Wetherby Road, Freemans Corner, Forest Moor Lane, Morrisons and Kingsley Drive.
Sunday 19/1/20
Peco XC. Crimple Valley.
Graham is still in need of volunteers so please if you can spare a few hours contact him.
Pacing Groups. Social Run.
Group 1. – Approx 8 to 8.30 minute mile pace
Group 2. – Approx 9 to 9.30 minute mile pace
Group 3. – Approx 10 to 10.30 minute mile pace
Group 4 – Approx 10.30 to 11 minute mile pace
Group 5 – Social, recovery run with no pace in mind but a chance to chat as you jog, going as far as you want.
Health and Safety Briefing.
Wear high viz / fluorescent clothing. See and be seen!
Use a head torch.
Warm up and stretch off after running.
Buddy up with someone where possible and watch out for new members.
Report any injuries to Bec Carman our Welfare Rep, or any Committee member.
Best Wishes, Christine.
NVRR Chair.