[NVRR] Vests, Virtual Races and a Zoom meeting

[NVRR] Vests, Virtual Races and a Zoom meeting. 29/5/20

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all still well, that the lockdown hasn’t got the better of you and that you’re all making the most of this glorious weather in some way.

You’ll have all heard the good news, that the new club vests and tee shirts have arrived and that Graham Hyde has taken possession of them. I ordered a vest and a short sleeved tee shirt and I must say, I’m impressed with both the quality and the fit.
We just need some races now so we can show them off!

On the subject of club kit, I’m aware there has been some further queries on the committees request for members not to wear them whilst out running during the lockdown.

This may seem a little pedantic but our decision remains for the time being. This is our thinking, picture this.

You’re out running in your vest, and for whatever reason someone thinks you’re too close, not socially distancing and cause them alarm. They see the Nidd valley vest and start to bad mouth the club, mention it to friends, media or whoever and before we know what’s what our reputation is on the line. There are variations on this scenario but you get the idea. People are understandably anxious around this.

Of course this is an ever changing situation, as the government rules change on what is permissible, we may be able to review our decision but in the meantime we ask that you refrain from wearing club kit.

So, back to the new kit. Please liaise with Graham Hyde on 07764 753066 or
Grahamhyde75@gmail.com for collection.

I would also like to thank Sylvia our treasurer for all the work behind the scenes to make this happen. Thank you Sylvia.

Virtual Races.
Martin Lofthouse and our club captains, Kevin and Sarah are in the early stages of planning some virtual races for members to compete in. Obviously it’s optional but it will provide an opportunity for some competition amongst members and a chance to bag some PB’s.

The fine details are yet to be decided but a virtual mob match, road championship and a 5K have been mentioned. Once it’s organised we will be in touch with the plan but in the meantime keep up the training so you’re racing fit!

Zoom Meeting. Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation.
Emma Kicks is kindly hosting a zoom meeting at 8pm on Tuesday 2nd June. She has forwarded the details to everyone but asked that I remind you of the event and that you send her questions prior to the meeting if at all possible.

I think I’ve covered most things for now, I look forward to seeing lots of you on Tuesday evening for the zoom meeting.

Take care, best wishes to you and all your families.

NVRR Chair.

Posted in General News.