Morning All
This is an early email as I wanted to remind you all about our vote today and give you plenty of time to do so.
Extraordinary AGM. Voting on Long Lands Common Donation.
If you don’t do anything else today please register your vote below. We need at least 20% of you lovely members to vote. The link is live but only for today, you just need to click on it please.
Darker Evenings
Its Autumn, there’s a slight chill in the air and its definitely getter darker earlier! Please wear your high viz clothing and have a head torch for our club runs on an evening.
Virtual Races.
Our virtual championship races finish today but we still have the Inter Club 30 minute virtual challenge.
This event is still on until 6pm Sunday 13th September, so come on lets get some entries in and do ourselves proud.
Moving on to our regular club night runs, if you’re reading this and you haven’t come along yet, please do so. The number of people that have told me how much better they feel for running with others and seeing familiar faces at the club is quite amazing.
Tuesday 8/9/20. 7pm Hockey Club.
Route 4. Knox. 5.7 miles
Depending on the light and weather, there will be an off road route on offer too, setting off from the club.
Please use the link for full details. Club Routes
Thursday 10/9/20
7pm Hockey Club.
Route 9. Green Lane. 6.6miles
Please do NOT ATTEND the club runs if you feel ill or have any COVID.19 symptoms and should you feel ill after attending the club with any COVID.19 symptoms please inform a member of the Committee as soon as possible, so we can trace other people in your group.
This is especially important as we are no longer using the booking on system.
Pacing Groups. Social Run.
Group 1. – Approx 8 to 8.30 minute mile pace
Group 2. – Approx 9 to 9.30 minute mile pace
Group 3. – Approx 10 to 10.30 minute mile pace
Group 4 – Approx 10.30 to 11 minute mile pace
Group 5 – Social, recovery run with no pace in mind but a chance to chat as you jog, going as far as you want.
Health and Safety Briefing. (Darker evenings!)
Warm up and stretch off after running.
Head torch and fluorescent clothing. Stay safe is not just about COVID!
Please report any injuries to Bec Carman our Welfare Rep, or any Committee member.
Best Wishes,
NVRR Chair.