Week Ahead – 20th September 2020

Afternoon All

I hope you’re all well and have enjoyed this fine weather of late.

I’m afraid this week’s email will have to focus our minds towards COVID.19, with the rise in cases and potential tighter controls over the horizon. Obviously, we want to keep meeting as a club and enjoy the benefits that brings, but it comes with responsibilities.

The Rule of 6.

So, the rule of 6 doesn’t actually apply to us as we’re classed as COVID secure and organised sport.

That said, the Committee agrees that limiting our groups to  6 allows for better social distancing and is a sensible precaution to avoid spreading the infection, should anyone have it, and is good for public perception.

Of course, we can have as many groups of 6 as we need.

Club Vests and Tee Shirts.

Public perception of runners and of our club is important, and for that reason we are asking that you refrain from wearing your club vests or tee shirts.

Updated Club COVID19 Risk Assessment.

Please read the updated COVID19 Risk Assessment which has updates to our risk assessment. There are aspects to the risk assessment that place a responsibility on individuals when attending the club.


We intend to take a photo of each group of 6 to ensure we know who attended the club, should there be a need to trace someone we will know who attended. Doing this negates the need to use the booking on system we were using in July. If you are uncomfortable with this, please inform a Committee member at the time and leave details with a run leader.

Reporting and contacting others.

Should you experience symptoms after attending the club, you must inform any member of the Committee and also inform all the people you were running with.

Run Leaders.

Each group of 6 should nominate a person to be the run leader. This does not have to be a qualified person just someone to take the lead.

Finally, Running!

Well, the inter club challenge of 30 minutes running was obviously made for us as we won the overall competition, with 2nd place for ladies and gentlemen too. Well done to everyone who took part.

We have our 5K double up challenge starting soon too, so watch out for the information from Kevin and Sarah.

The Week Ahead.

Tuesday  22/9/20.

7pm Hockey Club.

 Route: 7. Duchy Reverse. 6miles

Please use the link for full details. Club Routes. Read the route please.

Thursday 24/9/20

7pm Hockey Club.

 Route: 4. Knox. 5.7miles

Please use the link for full details. Club Routes. Read the route please.


Please do NOT ATTEND the club runs if you feel ill or have any COVID.19 symptoms and should you feel ill after attending the club with any COVID.19 symptoms please inform a member of the Committee as soon as possible and inform the people you ran with.

Pacing Groups. Social Run.

Group 1. – Approx 8 to 8.30 minute mile pace

Group 2. – Approx 9 to 9.30 minute mile pace

Group 3. – Approx 10 to 10.30 minute mile pace

Group 4 – Approx 10.30 to 11 minute mile pace

Group 5 –  Social, recovery run with no pace in mind but a chance to chat as you jog, going as far as you want.

Health and Safety Briefing. (Darker evenings!)

Know the route you’re running.

Run within your capabilities.

Warm up and stretch off after running.

Head torch and high viz clothing. Stay safe is not just about COVID!

Please report any injuries to Bec Carman our Welfare Rep, or any Committee member.


Best Wishes,


NVRR Chair.

Posted in General News.