Week Ahead – 4th October 2020

Afternoon All,

Well, its been a busy day for quite a few Nidders, with actual races at Elvington and others running the COVID version of the London Marathon.

I think the weather was better than initially forecast so I hope you all ran well, enjoyed the race feeling and feel particularly proud of yourselves. Well done everyone!

Even more congratulations too, as we now know the winners of our virtual road championship.

Overall Female: Carol Morgan.

Overall Male: Matthew Wilkinson.

Age Adjusted Female: Christine Holleran

Age Adjusted Male: Martin Lofthouse.

Well done to the winners and everyone who took part.

So, for next week


Tuesday  6/10/20.

7pm Hockey Club.

Route: 3. Showground. 7.3 miles.

Please use the link for full details. Club Routes. Read the route please.

Thursday 8/10/20

7pm Hockey Club.

Route: 12. Jennyfields. 6.4 miles.

Please use the link for full details. Club Routes. Read the route please.


Phil Robinson is also offering an exciting off road, head torch run.

 Thursday 8th October

As an additional option on Thursday evening, Phil Robinson will lead a 6 miles head-torch run from Brimham Rocks. You’ll need a decent head-torch (spare batteries would be a good idea) and trail shoes. He can guarantee you’ll get wet and muddy and that it’ll be a bit rough underfoot. You never know it could turn into a bit of a mini adventure too! Please meet in the entrance to the Brimham Rocks car park (double yellows) at 6.45pm and he’ll guide you to the parking spot. HG3 4DW.

Please allocate a bit more time than usual.”


Please do NOT ATTEND the club runs if you feel ill or have any COVID.19 symptoms and should you feel ill after attending the club with any COVID.19 symptoms please inform a member of the Committee as soon as possible and inform the people you ran with.

Pacing Groups. Social Run.

Group 1. – Approx. 8 to 8.30 minute mile pace

Group 2. – Approx. 9 to 9.30 minute mile pace

Group 3. – Approx. 10 to 10.30 minute mile pace

Group 4 – Approx. 10.30 to 11 minute mile pace

Group 5 –  Social, recovery run with no pace in mind but a chance to chat as you jog, going as far as you want.


Health and Safety Briefing. (Darker evenings!)

Know the route you’re running.

Run within your capabilities.

Warm up and stretch off after running.

Head torch and high viz clothing. Stay safe is not just about COVID!

Please report any injuries to Bec Carman our Welfare Rep, or any Committee member.


Best Wishes,


NVRR Chair.

Posted in General News.