Weekly Update: By a head…

(TLDR. The Headlines: On Tuesday, we have an away from club run at Stainburn Forest, and on Thursday we are back at the Hockey Club for a spin round Valley Gardens. Tholthorpe 10k is on Sunday. There are a few other races this week, albeit non-championship, and read on for details on up and coming events followed, as ever, by some words to the wise…)



What a weekend, right? From a few hardy souls who kick started proceedings near Kettlewell at 7am to all of those who swelled our numbers as we meandered down Nidderdale, collecting Nidders as we passed Lofthouse, Pateley Bridge, Summerbridge, Birstwith, Riley and Harroate, before we made our way en mass to grandstand finish at Knaresborough Castle. I can think of no better way to mark our fortieth anniversary as a club, and it was brilliant to catch up with friends old and new on the run.


From this, at 7am…

To this, at 6pm…


Most of the committee were content with a couple of quiet pints afterwards, but as usual it fell to the two troublemakers Dave and Sylvia to get the party started. Before we knew it, it was 2am and Dave was knocking back the shots at the bar, Dazzler was throwing shapes on the dance floor, Karen had drunk the place dry of prosecco, and you’ve never seen twerking like it from Sarah. We last saw Sylvia racing round the marketplace in a shopping trolley with a traffic cone on her head. We’ve not seen her since. If anyone finds her, can you give her £20 and pop her in a taxi to Nidd Valley House?



Results from the Week That Was…

There are no results other than parkrun, save for one particular Sarah Bracher. Sarah took part in the Leeds 5km time trial at Headingley on Wednesday night, and had herself round the course in a remarkable time of 28.55. It might just be me, but she’s certainly getting faster. Could be doping, could be training, or maybe she’s just part of the wonderful world of Nidd Valley Road Runners where athletic success goes hand in hand with friendliness, mild eccentricity, and an accidental tendency to end up in the pub. Well done, Sarah!


Oh bugger. Just as I type this, I read that we’ve had three Nidds up at the Middlesbrough 10km this morning. Anyway, let’s have three cheers for the three Nidds who are none other than Philly Thompson (46.24), Martin Luxton (53.55) and Pauline Hogg (55.31). A very well done to you all.


And then I went to the Nidd 40th drinks this afternoon and Craig Mills reminded me that he completed the Mid Cheshire 5km on Friday evening. He finished in 16.37, which is pretty speedy when all things are considered. Well done, Craig. A great effort.


Anyway, off we go to parkrun, and we start with Matt Wilkinson who pushed baby Stanley round Woodhouse Moor, Katharine Woodhead who ran around Polkemmet Country Park in Scotland (yup, she is our #niddnorthoftheborder this week and a possible contender for the MallettMap), and Chrstine Holleran joined Andy Todd as he ran round Millfield Parkrun in Easingwold. Jeremy Scott was up at Thorp Perrow, and Susan and Chris Rogers had a spin around North Yorkshire Water Water Park as is their usual tradition these days. Billy Fox remains in New Zealand, where he did the Pirrama Parkrun (a great name, and another MallettMap contender?), while Yvonne Skelton and Martin Weeks were over at Clumber Park near Worksop. Not sure what it is, but the name Clumber Park just makes me smile. Makes me think of the Teletubbies.


Interestingly, I read that Sedgefield had its regular dose of Black and Gold but – Oh! Hold your horses! – this was not provided by the inexhaustible Martin Luxton, but this week by Rob & Louise Kingston. Well, indeed, we’re nothing if not full of surprises here at Nidd Valley House. As you’d expect, we had the usual Nidds doing their usual thing at Fountains, Conyngham Hall, and Harrogate, and you can see all of the parkrun results right here: https://tinyurl.com/47nsmxd6.


Sometimes I’d head for the highway / I’m old and the mirrors don’t lie / But crazy has places to hide in / That are deeper than any goodbye: chair@niddvalleyroadrunners.co.uk.



The Fixtures for the Week Ahead 

On Tuesday, we have our penultimate away from club summer evening run, and this one is organised by Chris Morris. Excellent stuff. Anyway, it’s up at Stainburn Forest so you need to be up at the carpark on the intersection between Norwood LAne and Broad Dubb Road (what3words:  ///toward.quibble.prospers). Parking is £3 per car, unless in the unlikely event that you are a member of the Forestry Commision. The route is five miles long, and the route can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/hdxh6z8t. Be up there and ready to run for 7pm. Pints in the Smiths Arms in Beckwithshaw for anyone who wishes to prolong the evening of merriment and heady excitement.


If you fancy something utterly ridiculous, meaningless and painful from start to finish, then you can always come to a committee meeting. Alternatively, you can do the Ilkley Incline on Wednesday evening. It’s a one mile race straight up Ilkley Moor. The hardest mile you will ever run. It’s not in the championships, but if you’ve got a spare evening and natural dentistry is unavailable, then do have a look: https://tinyurl.com/4z5x3dd9.


On Thursday, our club running is back at the Hockey Club, and this week we’ll be enjoying the Valley Gardens. Well, we’ve not been down there for a while have we? Meet at the Hockey Club and be good to run for 7pm. We’ll head down through town to the bottom of the gardens, and then make our way up to Harlow Moor Drive. From there, you can turn back along Otley Road to the club house, or you can extend up to Harlow Carr and come back either along Otley Road or Birk Crag. As per the usual traditions, the grumpy old farts will be in the bar afterwards talking about the good old days and you know how it is and that’s how it was.


I’m gutted to miss this one, as it is a beauty of a race, so do have a look at the Tholthorpe 10km on Sunday if you can. It’s in the road championships, and always has rave reviews from those who take part. It’s in the road championships (points available!) and the tea and cake at the end are always very well appreciated (calories available!). If you’ve not seen Martin Lofthouse at a buffet before, you don’t know what you’re missing. It’s terrifying, remarkable and awe-inspiring, all in equal measure. Anway, there are still places for the race but entries close in a few days. Don’t delay: https://tinyurl.com/2sfsbt7f


I’ll probably get grief from Captains Dazzler and Emma for promoting a race which clashes with a championship race, but if you fancy a longer run out, then entries are still open for the Vale of York Half Marathon on Sunday. It’s flat, it’s fast, and it’s Yorkshire: https://tinyurl.com/2uwmxamu


Also on Sunday, there is the Bradley Fell Race. It’s a fiver in for 6km of undiluted hilly pleasure. Well, it takes all sorts doesn’t it? All the details here: https://tinyurl.com/428y9758/


Further Ahead & Booking Now Open

On Thursday 12th September 2024, we’ll be having the last of our summer away from club runs, and will be sticking to all the usual traditions with a Fish & Chip Run in Knaresborough. You’ll need to pre-order any food you want via this link (https://tinyurl.com/3tzxeejn), and hopefully we’ll be able to enjoy a run out round Knaresborough and regroup for food in the town square. It’s always a lovely evening and I hope you can join us.


Speaking of Knaresborough, there is the Crag Rat Run on Sunday 22nd September 2024, hosted by our friends down in Knaresborough Striders. And I cannot think of a more enjoyable way to spend the weekend than with a little light crag-rattery. This is also the last chance to get points in the road championships, so certainly not an event to be missed. Involve thyself: https://tinyurl.com/2x855u5f


Word to the Wise

I’m somewhat wary of leaving you with this one, but in for a penny and in for a pound and all of that. So, this afternoon, Jo Lane was talking about a certain evening league race when another runner (from another club, we hasten to add) had something of a wardrobe malfunction, leaving a certain appendage on display.


“Did he win by a head?…” – Jo Lane, a couple of wines to the good.


Thanks for being part of this really special weekend, for being part of this club, and have a wonderful week.


Chairman Sam x

Posted in General News.