Weekly Update: Undercrackers

(TLDR. The Headlines: On Tuesday, Emma K will be leading some intervals on the Stray, meeting at the Hockey Club for 6.45pm. On Thursday, we’ve got a 7pm run down the Gorge, starting and finishing at the Hockey Club. On Sunday, there’s the Knaresborough Crag Rat run in the club championships. Read on for other info about up and coming events, a committee meeting, and the Guy Fawkes 10).


I’m quite sure I’m not the only one, but did we really need to see that photo of Phil Ventress’ undercrackers on Facebook? Enough to put you off your tea, that was. We’ve had to bring in the HR Department here at Nidd Valley House, and not for the first time, I don’t mind telling you. He is what they refer to as a frequent flyer, I believe. Still, there’s lots of other exciting stuff going on, and Captain Dazzler’s excitement is nearing fever pitch as the road championships approach their toe-curlingly ecstatic climax. Captain Emma is keeping it all a bit more together, but then again there’s a couple more fell races in the season yet and she’s always been happier when knee-deep in mud. Mike and Sarah pace around looking busy with all the spreadsheets for the Guy Fawkes 10 (Sarah has long believed that purposefully walking around with a clipboard in hand is distraction enough for aimless idleness), and Sylvia is pouring over the figures for the Awards Night. Lots going on! Anyway, let’s get straight on with a look at what everyone has been up to with their running.



Results from the Week That Was…

Thanks to both Sarah Bracher and Jenny Manning who pointed out that last week’s results were missing the times from the Long Course Weekend event up in Masham. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if you ever want to know your shortcomings, then you won’t find a more helpful running club anywhere. In any event, I’m happy to right the wrong and straighten the record. Fiona Deacon was the third overall lady and 1st FV60 to finish the half marathon, doing so in 1:47.23, while Sarah Bracher finished in an impressive 2:28.10. Well done to you both.


Well, having been perplexed at the lack of a result from John Mallett at the Great North Run last week, leading me to doubt whether I had been hallucinating when I bumped into him outside the student union Wetherspoons on Sunday morning, you’ll be as pleased as I was to see that wife Susie got in touch to say that the system error had been resolved and his result of 2:03.06 is now proudly on the webpage. Susie would also like to remind you that she finished in 2:01.01, finishing more than two minutes ahead of her husband. So there, John. In your face.


In the York 5km at Heslington on Friday, Martin Lofthouse got his five laps done and dusted in a sparkling time of 19.30, and Nige Scaife wasn’t holding back as stormed across the line in 21.47. Yvonne Skelton (30.39) and Martin Weeks (34.34) – yes, I know we don’t hear much from them, but it is always very lovely when we do – were the other two Nidds to make the trip. The things people do for points in the club championships, I suppose.


Emma David teamed up with Laura Francis to have a crack at the Road to Nowhere Fell Race, which is the new race organised by our friends up at Nidderdale Fell & Trail. Clearly motivated by the opportunity to run to the most isolated place in England on a Saturday afternoon, Emma and Laura laced up their shoes for the 18-mile jaunt from Scar House Reservoir, getting back to the finish (several thousand feet of climb later) in 4:20.28, claiming the prizes for the 1st FV40 and 1st WU23 in the process. Winner, winner, fell running dinner.



You probably haven’t heard of the Wetherby 10km. They don’t really market it, and I very rarely see any posts about it on social media. Still, clearly some messaging got through and it was enough to coax Alfie Willis (38.31) for a 10km race that also proved to be no match for Russell Geraghty (46.58), Vicky Thomas (53.01) and Kat Woodhead (53.10). Our final three finishers were Susie Mallett (53.11), Alistair McQueen (56.30) and the inexhaustible Joanne Lane (1:02.40). Everyone seemed to have a lovely time despite the weather, too, and that of course is the main thing. They should call it a cracking little Yorkshire run or something like that. I might suggest it one day.



Oh, I also note that Roger Duckworth and Michelle Smith did the 10km trail race at Malham this weekend. The ChatBot did the half marathon. I suppose it means that at least Roger and Michelle got half an hour’s peace and quiet before she got back. No results seem to be available just yet, so I’ll try and get these to you next week.



Anyway, moving on to parkrun. Amjid Khan was the sole Nidd at Woodhouse Moor, Matt Wilkinson was the sole Nidd at York, and Colleen Gruenwald was the sole Nidd at Montrose. Either they’re being anti-social or it’s something we’ve said. We’ll never know. No matter, we can also celebrate with Mike and Fiona Deacon who did their parkrun at Gateshead while enjoying a weekend in their old university stomping ground of Newcastle. James Braddon wasn’t too far away as he knocked out his 5km at South Shields, while Philly Thompson returned to her usual haunt of Darlington South.


Rob and Louise Kingston were over on the other side of the Pennines to do their parkrun at Marple Bridge near Stockport. Kev Nicholas and Fingers Harris ran at Wetherby, and we had far fewer runners than usual (only Pauline Hogg and Marcos Montana, if you’re taking notes) at Fountains Abbey. Adam Kirk and the parkrun faithful that is Martin Luxton were down in Selby while FRP and Mrs Robinson were shaking their parkrun booty at Withernsea Promenade. Mrs Robinson is, you will understand, on a mission to run every parkrun in Yorkshire and, every time a new one springs up, she is all over it. Even if it means visiting a place with a Hull postcode.


Now, I’ve not heard of a placed called Epworth in Lincolnshire, and equally have little understanding of how horses come to be involved to give the Epworth Equestrian Parkrun it’s name, but we are where we are. However, it clearly had something to tempt Ian Wighton and Susy Rhodes, who were the two Nidds to take part this week. I mean, imagine it. You travel to the a*se end of Lincolnshire, keep driving some more, and finally arrive in a part of the world that you have never even heard of and hope to never visit again, only to bump into another Nidd. We get everywhere. Like an athletic bad smell.


Billy Fox was the only Nidd abroad when he completed the Two Rivers Wines parkrun in Australia (and doesn’t that name just make you salivate with thirst? Two Rivers Wines, I mean. Not Billy), and Sylvia Morten was staying close to home with her weekly trip around Otley Chevin. As usual, we had the crowds you’d expect at Conyngham Hall and Harrogate, and you can see all of the parkrun results here: https://tinyurl.com/47nsmxd6


And I will dance when I walk away oh / I’m gonna sing I won’t beg or pray / I will dance when I walk away oh / I’m gonna sing I won’t beg or pray no more: chair@niddvalleyroadrunners.co.uk


The Fixtures for the Week Ahead 

On Tuesday, Emma has another interval session lined up on the Stray for those that wish to get involved. Due to the shortening days (urgh), Emma suggests leaving the Hockey Club at 6.45pm rather than the conventional departure of 7pm. If you want to join in, then she would love to see you. If, of course, you just fancy going for a run, then come on down to the club anyway. You’re sure to find someone who would love to join you for a plod.


We are beginning to have the lack of daylight spoil the end of our club runs, so we’ve got to start thinking a bit more carefully about where we go. Therefore, on Thursday, I suggest a (possibly final) trip down the Gorge. You know the routine by now: we’ll leave the Hockey Club at 7pm, and head up the greenway to Bilton Crossing, turning right over the field and into the Gorge. Depending on how you do with the daylight, you can come up by the Gardener’s Arms, or can continue to the big climb further down. From there, return to the club along Bilton Lane and the greenway. Afterwards, we’ll regroup for a couple of scoops in the bar afterwards. Why not join us?


There are still places (not many!) for the Knaresborough Crag Rat run on Sunday, which is incidentally our final counter in the road championships. This is as near to a perfect race you’ll get (Guy Fawkes 10 notwithstanding, obviously), and you enjoy some great running down by the river and up in the woods all the way cheered on by the lovely Striders: https://tinyurl.com/2x855u5f.


Further Ahead & Booking Now Open

On Sunday 6th October 2024, there is the next notch in the bedpost of the fell championships with the Viking Chase. This is a 7.5 mile beauty up on the Cleveland Way, and includes a few cracking good views, some exciting descents and – if memory serves – some really fun muddy running back through the woods. And all for only a few quid, too. They don’t bother with anything as fancy as pre-entry so it’s all EOTD, but you can read up on the event if you’re so inclined: https://tinyurl.com/34xnakvf


Committee Meeting: Wednesday 18th September 2024

Ah, ‘committee’ and ‘meeting’. Two words that go together like ‘dull’ and ‘dishwater’, ‘paint’ and ‘dry’, and ‘please god’ and ‘make it stop’. Anything you want to add? Hit me up: chair@niddvalleyroadrunners.co.uk


Guy Fawkes 10: Sunday 3rd November 2024

Sarah Chalmers has asked me to prompt you (if you haven’t already) to reply to her emails about marshalling and volunteering for the Guy Fawkes 10. She needs people to confirm ASAP. Also, we’ve sold over three quarters of our places, although we could always use a push to sell the remainder. If you could share the booking link (https://tinyurl.com/ycky26tn) on your social media and with running friends, we’d be really grateful. 


Word to the Wise

Nothing for you this week. Sorry about that.


Have a wonderful week.


Chairman Sam x

Posted in General News.