Jonathan Easton


Jon Easton

Tell us your name. Jonathan Easton
How and when did you first start running? I joined the Army when I was 18 so running became part of the daily routine.
What brought you to Nidd Valley? After leaving the forces in 2004 and embarking on a new career, I settled back down in Harrogate and tried to keep up my physical fitness. I was running but not really enjoying it as I didn’t have any running ‘pals’. A internet search pointed me in the direction of Nidd Valley (located back then in a wet and cold changing room at Harrogate Railway FC) and I haven’t looked back!
When did you join Nidd Valley? 2005 or 2006, it’s all a bit of a blur..
What is your favourite running music? Genre or specific tracks? I don’t listen to music while running, I don’t know why as I’ve never tried it!
What is your favourite food before and after running? Porridge with honey prior to any long run, toast and marmite for after. And a brew.
What is your best running tip that you would like to share with us? Remember to rest and recover! Time off works wonders…..
What is your proudest moment in your running career? Completing my first marathon – London 2014- a unique experience that tries to drag you back each year despite already ticking that box.
What are your running goals? To stay relatively fit, take each mile at a time, and recover at every opportunity. And maybe try more fell stuff.
What event are you training for at the moment? No specific race, just trying to stay fit before the before the autumn and winter are upon us.
Posted in Member Profile.