Carolyn Easton


Carolyn Easton

Tell us your name. Carolyn Easton – (Caz)
How and when did you first start running? It started with walking the Race for Life with my sister in law in 2010. After the birth of my daughter I was diagnosed with chronic pelvic instability and was told I may never run again. I spent the next 5 years working with a great physio who helped me get from walking in pain to now running marathons! No my running style is not pretty it’s just fuelled by grit and determination. I have to work hard at it and it pushes me out of my comfort zone but I love the feeling of freedom it gives me and I thoroughly enjoy running events in Yorkshire throughout all the seasons.
What brought you to Nidd Valley? My husband – Thank you
When did you join Nidd Valley? 2015
What is your favourite running music? Genre or specific tracks? Everything and anything
What is your favourite food before and after running? I run for the cup of coffee at the end and chocolate bar – Yum
What is your best running tip that you would like to share with us? The feeling of achievement is second to none so keep going.
What is your proudest moment in your running career? Everytime I stand (nervously) at the start of a race. I am truly thankful I am able to run.
What are your running goals? To keep running – but secretly I would love to run the London Marathon my Grandma would be so proud.
What event are you training for at the moment? The Jedburgh Half Marathon
Posted in Member Profile.