Kevin Nicholas


Kevin Nicholas

Tell us your name. Kevin Nicholas
How and when did you first start running? At junior and senior school, I couldn’t wait to start senior school so I could run cross country! However, fell out of love with it due to the pressure I put on myself in my teens. A few half and full marathons in my 20’s and 30’s but didn’t return to regular running till 2004 as a way of dealing with the loss of my wife the year before.
What brought you to Nidd Valley? I moved to Harrogate two years ago and had spoken to one of the team at the Northumberland Coastal run who recommended the club to me!
When did you join Nidd Valley? Jan/Feb 2017
What is your favourite running music? Genre or specific tracks? I don’t listen to music whilst running but only because of the faff with earplugs!
What is your favourite food before and after running? After; sugar ring doughnuts or a crisp sandwich
What is your best running tip that you would like to share with us? Ignore the inner voice of negativity, you can and you will succeed!
What is your proudest moment in your running career? Running in the National final at Crystal Palace 800 mtrs when a junior and competing for Birchfield Harriers; completing my first marathon and completing my first Ironman last year at the age of 53
What are your running goals? To go under 3.15 for a marathon, under 1.30 for a half and to run into my 70’s and beyond. Also to make more realistic goals lol
What event are you training for at the moment? None presently
Posted in Member Profile.