The Week Ahead (10th September 2018)

Evening Nidders,

After our little mid-year interval sessions, with Martin and David from UK Athletics, we’re almost back to normality with two clubs runs this week.

I’m a little bit out of the loop on club runs, but I don’t think we ran towards Hookie Woods last week, so lets do that on Tuesday. If we run up towards Leeds Road via Fulwith Mill Lane there’s lots of option for cutting it short and heading back via the Stray, or for extending by crossing over Leeds Road and heading towards Leadhall Lane.

I’m happy to lead a Group 1, 7 mile(ish) run, if anyone else would be happy to lead Groups 2,3 or 4 please let me know. It is starting to get dark now at about 7.45pm, so please dig out your brightly coloured running tops, or even better your hi-vis vests! See you at 7pm, ready to run.

Onto Thursday, and Emma Dooley’s marathon training continues. She’ll be leading another 8 mile run leaving the hockey club at 6.45pm, it’s another fast paced run with 6 miles being ran at 8min/mile pace, with the other 2 being slightly more sensible.

We know that’s a little bit quick for some of our members, but Michelle Smith has offered to lead a slightly steadier alternative to this, again she’ll be leaving the club at 6.45pm, and be running a similar distance but at 10-10.5 min/mile pace.

So a couple of options there. For those who don’t fancy that, I’m sure there will be other options leaving the club at the usual 7pm, I’m not sure exactly what the numbers will be, or who’ll be available to lead – but I’m sure, as always there will be something for everyone. I’ll not advertise a route for Thursday, purely because I’ve not been down for a while, so I’m not totally sure where you’ve been heading to lately 🙂

Remember if you’ve got a route you’d like to run just let me know.

As for next week we’ve got the Knaresborough Crag Rat coming up soon in the Club Champs calendar (23rd September), so maybe we should think about doing a recce of that next week. Unfortunately I don’t know the route, but if anyone would like to lead a recce of this race please let me know. It would mean meeting in Knaresborough at 7pm, but I’m happy to organise and promote if we can get a couple of volunteers who know the route to lead – so please just drop me an email.

We’re also in the process of planning this year’s intervals, if you are a Run Leader, or Coaching Assistant please do come along to the meeting that Sarah emailed about earlier. We’re expecting this year’s sessions to be busier than ever, so the more people we can get to help out the safer and more enjoyable it will be for everyone.

Incidentally, if you’re not a ‘Run Leader’ but you’d be interested in finding out about what’s involved just let myself or Sarah know by email, or when you next see us, and we’ll see if we can get you onto a course in time to help out this at this year’s sessions.

That’s all for now, have a good week!


Posted in General News.