PECO Race 3 Crimple Valley, Harrogate, Date: Sunday January 19 2020
Nidd Valley Road Runners have been asked, jointly with Knaresborough Striders to organise the third of the PECO Cross Country races which will be held on Sunday 19th January in Crimple Valley, Harrogate.
This means lots of thought into designing the course, which Dave Seaman is leading on, and to ensure the success of the race, we need to organise the marshals. Nidd have a great reputation for providing happy, smiley and encouraging marshals so we know you are up to the job.
Between the two clubs, we need about 34 marshals. The plan is to recruit from the pool of club members who are not registered to run the PECO races to enable the 60 or so members who are, to run the race.
If you are available on Sunday 19th January 2020 and can help out, it will be a morning to early afternoon requirement of time, please contact Graham Hyde who has kindly taken on the responsibility for organising the marshals. or 07764753066.
Remember, these races don’t just happen. They rely on volunteers and over the years we have benefited from this so please help where possible.
Many thanks, Christine.