Hello! It’s that time again for me to send you a load of links so you know what’s going on this week!
The first link is to Debbie Jarvis’ just giving page. She’s bringing a load of cakes and energy bar and such like to the club on Tuesday evening for people to buy on the night, or consume in return for a donation to her just giving page! She’s raising money for Bradford Hospitals as you can see.
Once you’ve purchased your cake it’s running in groups as normal in one of these suggested pacing groups,
8 – 8:30 min miles
8:30 – 9 min miles
9 – 9:30 min miles
9:30 – 10 min miles
10 – 10:30 min miles
10:30 – 11:30 min miles
On one of these routes https://niddvalleyroadrunners.co.uk/club-training-routes/
OR you can do the intervals as suggested below *
On Thursday DON’T FORGET IT’S EVENING LEAGUE TIME! Harrogate Harriers hosting. If you’ve not yet collected your number Captain Sarah will be able to give it to you on the night. Here’s another link: http://www.harrogate-league.org.uk/wp/
There will also be a run from the club starting at 7 pm.
At the weekend it’s Wetherby 10km which is in the club champs, so good luck to anyone racing in either or both of these races.
I think that’s all for now, except to ask you all to start wearing Hi Viz on an evening as the evenings are starting to draw in.
See you all around soon
This one is aiming to increase endurance at faster speeds in preparation for a longer race.
Warm up as usual at least 10 mins slow running.
Do some drills such as ankling, lunge walk, high knee march, high knees, fast feet, straight leg running.
Then have a go at 4 x 10 minutes at tempo pace with just 1 minute walk rest! Eeek!
Then just the usual slow jog cool down for 5 – 10 mins or so.
If you’re doing a long run at the weekend and you fancy a challenge, try doing the last mile and a half to 2 miles at tempo pace.
As always, email me if you’d like more details or if you have questions about your tempo pace.
Oh, and don’t forget to stretch……