Championships 2025

DateCategoryEventEnter here
18th JanuaryCross CountryThorp Perrow Parkrun Register
25th JanuaryCross CountryConyngham Hall ParkrunRegister
9th FebruaryCross CountryRoundhay PECO
22nd FebruaryCross CountryOtley Chevin ParkrunRegister
2nd MarchCross CountryStockeld Park PECOEnter
8th MarchCross CountryWetherby ParkrunRegister
23rd FebruaryRoadSnake Lane 10 miles Sold Out
16th MarchRoadThirsk 10 milesEnter
12th AprilRoadFountains Abbey Park runRegister
4th MayRoadGateshead Half Marathon (Bus Trip)Enter
13th MayRoadHarrogate Evening LeagueTBC
18th MayRoadBurton Leonard 10kmEnter
17th JuneRoadKnaresborough Evening LeagueTBC
6th JulyRoadEccup 10 milesEnter
6th AugustRoadSessay Swift 4 milesTBC
7th SeptemberRoadTholthorpe 10kmEnter
28th SeptemberRoadCrag Rat 5 miles Enter
12th OctoberRoadRichmond 10kmEnter
2nd FebruaryFellCodbeck CanterEnter on the day
6th AprilFellHeartbeat HobbleEnter on the day
27th AprilFellHooded HorseTBC
17th MayFellCharlesworth ChaseEnter on the day
7th JuneFellWeetsEnter on the day
22nd JuneFellKettlewell AnniversaryEnter
20th JulyFellLakeland Country Fair (Coniston Old Man)Enter on the day
27th JulyFellJames HerriotEnter
14th AugustFellKings ChallengeEnter on the day
23rd AugustFellPendletonEnter on the day
20th SeptemberFellGreat WhernsideEnter on the day
5th OctoberFellViking ChaseEnter on the day