Hi all –
Hope you’re all really well and have had a good week. Thanks to Sarah C for organising a superb pub run round Plompton on Thursday followed by pints in the Travellers Rest – it was a cracking run.
I’m told that the mother of one of our club members actually follows this post on the website. To all you mums out there, this one is for you!
I’m handing out more gold stars than a primary school teacher, people. And it is an extra big gold star for Paul Manning (22:35) who got himself a new PB at the Fountains Park Run. Well done, Paul, you little superstar you! As ever, Andy Todd (18:53) was up at the front of pack making it all look easy. Over in the black country, Matt Rickard (19:54) got himself the first sub-20 of the year at the Park Run in Wolverhampton (I can’t write the word ‘Wolverhampton’ without saying it out loud in a really silly accent. It’s a good job I wasn’t there. I’d get lynched).
Over in Harrogate, Martin Lofthouse (20:06) and Dan Eagling (22:09) continued in the campaign to get Dan under the 20 minute barrier. In your own time, Dan. Whenever you’re ready. Ben Baird (20:54 – PB), Maurice Kelley (21:34), Steve Newton (22:07), Jim Cook (22:46), Dave Prince (23:30) and Dave Rushton (24:57) soon painted the finish line yellow and black. Sarah Hughan (26:59) led the ladies home, with Jane Hill (28:27), Michelle Dinsdale (31:00), Emma Edgar (34:11) and Mandy Smith (35:52) following in her speedy wake.
Congratulations to all who took part in the Escrick 10k today. You must have really wanted those championship points if you we’re prepared to drive to Selby to run round a field. But run they did, and it’s an athletic pat on the back to Andy Todd, Mike & Fiona, Michelle Smith, Jenny Manning, Paul Manning and Yvonne Manning (how many Mannings are there in this club? They’re an institution, I tell you, like the Rockefellers or the Kennedys of Nidd Valley). Well done to you all.
It’s another gold star for Michelle Dinsdale (1:03:36) who got herself a new PB at the Scorton 10k earlier today, and we’ll give Amanda Metcalfe a shout for turning out to shout encouragement on the home straight. #friendlyclub (see what I did, there? #hastags. I’m so down with the kids. #OMG #trendychairman #megalolz).
If you too would like a gold star on your running vest, then you know what you need to do: chair@niddvalleyroadrunners.co.uk.
The Week Ahead
• Tuesday: it’s a usual club run, so be there and ready to run from the Hockey Club at 7pm.
• Tuesday: and if a club run doesn’t float your running boat, then you can always join Emma David’s fell training session to experience the delights of running up hills while coughing up blood before throwing yourself down the other side at a neck breaking pace. Be at Black Swan in Burnbridge (in the car park, please, not sculling pints while propping up the bar – this is a running club for crying out loud), ready for 7pm.
• Thursday: it’s another club run, leaving the Hockey Club at 7pm. Then it’s upstairs to the bar for pints. Ernest Hemingway famously once said that he drank to make other people more interesting. It seems a tad harsh, but you can see where the man is coming from.
• Saturday: it’s the Pendle 3 Peaks fell race. This is the penultimate race in what has been a cracking fell championship. I know. I’m emotional, too, but nothing compared to Fell Running Phil. He’s been moaping round Nidd Valley House all week, bursting into tears at the smallest thing. Give him a hug when you see him. He’s struggling, poor little lamb. The race starts at 10:30 and entry is only £10 (or £8 if you’re tighter than a camel’s backside in a sandstorm and can you get your entry in online). You can find out more here: http://fellrunner.org.uk/races.php?id=3582.
Harrogate Park Run: Saturday 19 September
Okay, thanks to the 34 people who pointed out that I had inaccurately stated that our park run adoption was on 5 September. So you’ve got a chairman who couldn’t organise the proverbial in a brewery. What can you do? For the avoidance of doubt, our park run adoption is on Saturday 19 September 2015. Please make an effort to be there if you can. We always get a really good response from the organisers and from the runners. I’d be especially pleased to hear from you if you are willing to be a pacer (I’d suggest that you pace at about 3-4 minutes slower than your PB so you can be vocal in your encouragement rather than running with your eyes out and looking like you’re about to keel over). Let me know if you can help: chair@niddvalleyroadrunners.co.uk.
Summer Pub Runs
The remaining pub run dates for your diary:
• 27th August – Norwood, led by your truly (once he gets he pulls his finger out and reccies a few routes)
• 10th September – Hampsthwaite, led by Dave
More details to follow closer to the time.
Benidorm Half Marathon: 28 November – 1 December
This is the final call for all passengers on the Party Plane to Alicante for the Benidorm Half Marathon. There’s not much time left to let me know if you still want to get involved: chair@niddvalleyroadrunners.co.uk.
A Word to the Wise
“I believe God made me for a purpose, but he is also made me fast. And when I run, I feel his pleasure.” – Eric Liddle (from the film Chariots of Fire. It gets me every time, people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwyltmUR3MU).
Have a great week, people. See you soon.
Sam x