Weekly Update: It’s a distinctly Scottish affair here at Nidd Valley House

Hi all –


Yes, yes, I know it’s late again, but I’m not long back from a trip up to see Mr and Mrs Fugill up in Northumberland. Sorry about that, but when you’re on a promise of a Sunday roast…


It’s a distinctly Scottish affair here at Nidd Valley House, and we’re all celebrating some cracking results at the Loch Ness Marathon at the weekend. Carol Morgan (3:10:10) led the ladies home, followed by Emma David (3:31:58), Debbie Gibson (4:24:19), Michelle Smith (4:32:38) and Janet Carling (4:46:45). It was an emotional experience for Aimi Blueman (4:52:56) as her time as a Nidder draws to a close, whereas Annie Sweeting (5:15:02) was pleased to be back in the bosom of her native Scotland. Anne-Marie Macpherson (5:17:38) and Brenda Loads (5:17:38) were soon followed home by Judy Greenwood (5:51:47). Flying the lone flag for the men, Simon Franklin (3:49:39) put in a strong performance. Well done to all of you.

Down in Nottingham, Christine Jones tamed the Robin Hood Half Marathon in an admirable 1:51:35. In Christine’s own words: “it was bloody hilly and I died at 11 miles which was always going to happen with limited training and a throat infection.” Glad you’re still with us, Chris.

Sticking with the 13.1 mile theme, Debbie Dilasser was on top form when she completed the Redcar Half Marathon in a spectacular 2:01:51, whereas hubbie Jamie opted for the shorter option with the 5k. Jamie finished 3rd overall, and took himself an eye-wateringly speedy new-PB of 17:03. Congratulations to you both.

Amanda Metcalfe popped down to Leeds to take part in the Kirkstall Abbey 7 (it should be renamed the Kirkstall Abbey 6.7 if we’re going to get precious about it), completing the multi-terrain course in 58:28. Nice work, Amanda.

No sign of the Sutton 10k results yet, I’m afraid. I’ll try to get them in next week. Sorry about that, chaps.

And so we turn our full attention to Parkrun. Over in Harrogate, Andy Harris (21:20), Mike Deacon (23:00) and Nick Smith (25:03) got things off to a blisteringly speedy start, followed by Sarah Hughan (25:32), NV Junior Ben Rosie (25:58), Dave Rushton (26:08), Tony LC (26:08), Hannah Peagram (28:09) and Andrea Bowen (31:00). Up in Ripon, Andy Todd (18:55) continued his campaign to take the champion trophy for the Fountains Abbey Parkrun, whereas Phil (24:07) and Fiona (33:05) Robinson took themselves for a spin round the Wetherby course.


The Week Ahead
• Tuesday: we’re heading out for a club run, meeting at the Hockey Club and ready to run for 7pm. Whether you’ll be up there at the front with the speedy crew or enjoying a more sedate pace and a good goss, you can guarantee there’ll be something for you. Look forward to seeing you.
• Tuesday: due to popular demand, Emma has kindly agreed to extend the Fell Training sessions. Again, we’ll be meeting outside the Black Swan Pub in Burn Bridge for the earlier time of 6.45pm to allow us to get the best out of the daylight (if you can’t get there for the earlier time, you know where we train, so just run up and join us when you can). Make sure you have a head torch. You’ll need it.
• Thursday: it’s back to the Hockey Club where there’ll be another club run. As ever, be ready to run for 7pm. After that, it’ll be an Audience with the Chairman in the bar upstairs (just like the Queen’s Garden Party, but a few less floral print dresses). Come on up, have a pint and say hello.
• Sunday: it’s the Grewelthorpe Multi Terrain 13k. Advertising cruel climbs, panoramic peaks and daring descents, it’s clearly not a race for the faint-hearted. If you want a piece of the action in this penultimate race in the club championship, then this is where you need to be: http://gmtr.co.uk/. Good luck to all racing.

In the words of Leonard Cohen, “the summer has gone and the winter is tuning up.” The nights are indeed drawing in. Best get your hi-viz vest on.


A Restorative Naan: 11 October 2015
Martin Lofthouse and I intend to celebrate completing the York Marathon on 11 October with a celebratory curry at Zolsha in Knaresborough. If you too want to see what marathon runners can do to an all you can eat buffet, you’d be very welcome to join us.


Guy Fawkes 10: Sunday 1 November 2015
We’ll be sending the Nidd Valley Heavies round to ‘remind’ those of you who haven’t yet confirmed they can help with the Guy Fawkes 10. If you want to avoid an unfortunate accident at the hands of Alan Harby wielding a crowbar, I’d drop Mike a line: mjfjdeacon@ntlworld.com.

We’ll confirm the dates for the two reccie runs in October as soon as Matt and I get our heads together and plan the calendar.


A Word to the Wise
“It’s Sweeting not Sweating” – Bob SWEETING drawing a small, but significant, distinction.


See you soon folks. Have a smashing week.

Sam x

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