Week Ahead 27th September 2020

Afternoon All, I hope you’re all well and continuing with some good training. I know a lot of members are still training for various virtual races, including some tough marathon events, so I wanted to wish you all well and congratulate you on your determination in sticking with various plans. You’re an inspiration to many! […]

Week Ahead – 20th September 2020

Afternoon All I hope you’re all well and have enjoyed this fine weather of late. I’m afraid this week’s email will have to focus our minds towards COVID.19, with the rise in cases and potential tighter controls over the horizon. Obviously, we want to keep meeting as a club and enjoy the benefits that brings, […]

Week Ahead 13th September 2020

Afternoon All As always, I hope this finds you safe and well and you’re managing to keep up with the latest COVID guidance. As you might expect, I’m having to mention it in this weeks email. Our plan is to continue meeting on a Tuesday and Thursday evening, outside the hockey club. We just need […]

Week Ahead 6th September 2020

Morning All This is an early email as I wanted to remind you all about our vote today and give you plenty of time to do so.   Extraordinary AGM. Voting on Long Lands Common Donation. If you don’t do anything else today please register your vote below. We need at least 20% of you […]

Week Ahead – Sunday 30th August 2020

Afternoon All Welcome to another busy week ahead with lots of running opportunities, a zoom meeting and a vote! I’ll start with my final reminder regarding membership subs. England Athletic extended the deadline for subs to this bank holiday Monday, 31st August so you’re not too late if you want to submit today. Membership Renewal Form  […]

Week Ahead 22nd August 2020

Afternoon All I hope you’re all well and sitting comfortably as this weeks email had some important information for you read through. Im going to get straight to the point and begin with the below with what is an almost unprecedented event. Nidd Valley Road Runners Extraordinary Meeting Sunday 6th September for the special business […]

Week Ahead 16th August 2020

Afternoon All I hope this finds you all well. This week is kind of the good news and the not so good news, so I will start with the good. We won the mob match 10K virtual race against Knaresborough Striders. Congratulations and well done to everyone who ran. The not so good news is, […]

Week Ahead – Sunday 9th August 2020

Afternoon All Blimey, what a busy week everyone has had! Smashing out 5K’s and 10K’s, with people celebrating PB’s, pushing hard in hot temperatures, coming back from injury or even walking whilst injured! I’ve seen people teaming up to offer a sense of racing, pacing one another and generally offering lots of healthy encouragement. A […]

Week Ahead W/C 2nd August 2020

Afternoon All I hope you’ve finished reading last weeks epic email and you’re ready for this weeks! The good news is, this is a brief one and straight into the club runs with only one reminder for you regarding the club subs. All in by 31/8/20 please.  Membership Renewal Form  Tuesday 4/8/20 7pm Hockey Club. […]

The Week Ahead 26th July 2020

Afternoon All, As always I hope this finds you all fit and well and enjoying some good running. Are you sitting comfortably? Because it’s a long one this week! We had a committee meeting last Wednesday; we have an ongoing inter club virtual race; our own virtual champs, and of course this week it involves […]

The Week Ahead w/c 19th July 2020

Afternoon All, What a cracking day it is too! I hope you’ve all managed to do your off road 5 miler and submitted your times to our club captains, Sarah and Kevin. Next week will seem easy as we have a 5k planned for the virtual road race championship, not only that you can use […]

New Inter Club Virtual Race! 21st July – 9th August 2020

Hi Everyone, I have some exciting news about a new inter- club virtual race that we’ve been invited to take part in, and have obviously accepted! Ripon Runners have set up a 5K race involving themselves, us and Knaresborough Striders. It’s come about quite quickly, so rather than wait until Sunday when I usually e […]

The Week Ahead w/c 12th July 2020

Afternoon All, Well, doesn’t it feel good to be back! Tuesday’s evening run was a little bit different and at times awkward, but I saw lots of happy Nidders, lots of sensible Nidders running at a safe social distance, all in groups of 6 so I’m calling that a success! Thanks to all the people […]

The Week Ahead Week Commencing 6th July 2020

Afternoon All, I’m delighted  to say were back!  Well, sort of, and maybe just for the time being, but nevertheless we have club nights planned starting this Tuesday 7th July 2020. As you might expect there’s lots to mention and I suspect Tuesday’s club night will be an evening of firsts, so here are a […]

Virtual Championships Race 1 – 1 Mile – WC 06/07/2020

Hi All, Next week kicks out the virtual championships and we start with the 1 mile race. A few reminders for next week: Please submit your result via email by 9pm Sunday 12th 2020 to myself & Sarah: kevinpdalton1@gmail.com, scpyman@hotmail.com Please only submit your result once. If your planning on doing your mile during a club […]

Club Road Map out of COVID 19

COVID-19 Information 29th March Intervals in our groups of 6 will resume on the 30th March! Let’s stay in the same groups and start the block of 6 sessions over again seeing as the weather and Covid were conspiring against us at the end of last year! Thursday club runs will resume in groups of […]

Nidd Valley Virtual Championships – 2020

Hello All, I hope you’re all well. As previously communicated by Christine we’ve been working on the Nidd Valley Virtual Championships. This is to generate a bit of competition and motivation whilst we all can’t be together to race. Virtual Races will consist of 7 events in the months of July, August and September: WC […]

[NVRR] Vests, Virtual Races and a Zoom meeting

[NVRR] Vests, Virtual Races and a Zoom meeting. 29/5/20 Hello everyone, I hope you’re all still well, that the lockdown hasn’t got the better of you and that you’re all making the most of this glorious weather in some way. Vests. You’ll have all heard the good news, that the new club vests and tee […]

[NVRR] Lockdown Catch Up. W/C 4/5/20

Well hello everyone, Welcome to the start of lockdown week 7, day 42 tomorrow, and who knows how many weeks to go until in the words of Vera Lynn “We’ll Meet Again”. We had another committee meeting last Wednesday and discussed a few issues worthy of mention, hence this email. It’s also a chance to […]

[NVRR] Championships 2020

Hi Nidders, We are sure it will come as no surprise to many of you that the Committee took the decision at their meeting this week to cancel both the Road and Fell Championships for this year. Please be assured this decision has not been taken lightly and we realise that this will be a […]